Avoid at all costs! Do not train with this company. Course was missold, and got accused of lying when I stated this .They take your money and send you books you can buy yourself in the shop! They have... Read More
Avoid at all costs! Do not train with this company. Course was missold, and got accused of lying when I stated this .They take your money and send you books you can buy yourself in the shop! They have no interest in helping yiu, and when you get so far (I passed part two) they withdrew all support! They are completely untrustworthy Read Less
Anna Bushell
31 May 2017
Do not train to become a driving instructor with this company. They take your money but don't train you properly. They say they don't earn money from training you but that's utter nonsense. They promi... Read More
Do not train to become a driving instructor with this company. They take your money but don't train you properly. They say they don't earn money from training you but that's utter nonsense. They promise you the world but don't deliver and you end up losing all your money. Read Less
Avoid at all costs! Do not train with this company. Course was missold, and got accused of lying when I stated this .They take your money and send you books you can buy yourself in the shop! They have... Read More
Avoid at all costs! Do not train with this company. Course was missold, and got accused of lying when I stated this .They take your money and send you books you can buy yourself in the shop! They have no interest in helping yiu, and when you get so far (I passed part two) they withdrew all support! They are completely untrustworthy Read Less
Anna Bushell
31 May 2017
Do not train to become a driving instructor with this company. They take your money but don't train you properly. They say they don't earn money from training you but that's utter nonsense. They promi... Read More
Do not train to become a driving instructor with this company. They take your money but don't train you properly. They say they don't earn money from training you but that's utter nonsense. They promise you the world but don't deliver and you end up losing all your money. Read Less