1.) you get five “two” hour lessons. If you’re lucky. She’ll sometimes show up late,stall writing long notes, make you read outdated notes, etc. What was supposedto be a two hour lesson can easily bec... Read More
1.) you get five “two” hour lessons. If you’re lucky. She’ll sometimes show up late,stall writing long notes, make you read outdated notes, etc. What was supposedto be a two hour lesson can easily become a 1.5 hour driving lesson. She makesyou sign off your time at the beginning, so if you didn’t get your two hoursyou’re out of luck.2.) VERY outdated work and video material. Be prepared to step into the late eighties,early 90’s when you go in-class. Some of the sheets look like they were takenfrom an old sunken pirate ship.3.) stories, and gossip. Of course, anyone likes to hear stories and gossip,but within good taste. Be prepared to hear long talks about the latest gossipon past or current students that really should be kept private. You’ll hearthis during driving lessons, where it doesn’t teach you squat about driving. Donot tell her anything about your private life, because she will most likelytell someone else.4.) She has a large ego. It’s great to have pride in yourself, but to put downother driving schools and people is really in bad taste as a person and unprofessionalas a business.5.) Fake online reviews by the same person. I spent one night(after I finished my course), curious onwhat the reviews were for this school. I noticed the 5-star rating reviews(which most seem to be posted in November so far) have common spelling errors,double spacing, overuse of caps, and so on. Meaning it’s all done by the sameperson. This can be checked by anyone online.6.) She will push you to get through your driving courses as fast as possiblewhether you like it or not. She’ll complain that she can’t pay her bills if youcancel. Forgetting this is a common thing with business’ that deal with clients.If I cancel a Dentist appointment, they’d never complain in such a poor manner.Considering how the classroom hasn’t been updated in decades, I highly doubtshe has trouble with her bills. Read Less