By enrolling this school sure you'll be a good driver and responsible driver! I just passed my G2 after i finished my course two months after Thank God!
Desiree Winston Shepperd
18 Feb 2016
Oh my god this is the place to start , I am starting Saturday thank god for jerry
Kyle Clements
16 Apr 2015
Some places only train you to pass the test by memorizing the test route. Ontario New Drivers teaches you how to drive.
By enrolling this school sure you'll be a good driver and responsible driver! I just passed my G2 after i finished my course two months after Thank God!
Desiree Winston Shepperd
18 Feb 2016
Oh my god this is the place to start , I am starting Saturday thank god for jerry
Kyle Clements
16 Apr 2015
Some places only train you to pass the test by memorizing the test route. Ontario New Drivers teaches you how to drive.